OMG did I under estimated the lack of sleep I was going to get after having Diesel! I knew I would be tired and sleep deprived, but somewhere along the lines I forget how bad it actually was and I certainly wasn't prepared this time. Mikky slept through the night from 8 weeks (I am talking 10 hours straight) and D, well he is 13 weeks old today and still 3 hourly from start of feed to next day and night. This means that I am getting a max of 2 hours sleep at a time. Most days it isn't even worth it.
Now... I remember over the years people telling me how hungry boys are and how they eat you out of house and home and that you can never fill them up. Well I never believed this and thought they were exagerating until now! Seriously this little man of mine has been eating 2 - 3 hourly since birth. He is just so hungry, I swear he will be 7 foot by his 4th birthday lmao. I hear all the other mummies out there talking about their little ones and how they are going 4 hourly and then waking just once through the night and it makes my heart drop. If you ever want to see what a zombie looks like, knock on my door at 7:30 in the morning lol.
You know what? ... The one thing that really bugs me is everyone telling me to nap through the day to catch up. Well if someone can explain to me how you nap with a 23 month old and a 13 week old that wont sleep more than 20 minutes at a time through the day then that would be awesome. But until then sleep for me during the day is not even an option.... Oh how I miss afternoon nana naps in bed with the heat of the sun from out side ahhhhhhhhhh....
So after 13 weeks of me trying not to kill one of my children from lack of sleep (terrible twos don't help) I came to a conclusion.... Farax!
After being abused for putting my 13 week old on solids it crossed my mind that 1) It is just rice and formula and 2) people put farax in their babes bottles to help fill them up from very early ages, I am talking weeks old. So what it the difference between me putting farax in his bottle or feeding it to him with a spoon ???????
The first try of giving him farax was an absolute success.. If you saw the look on this kids face as he was eating it you would want to feed it to him ALL day lol.. between spoon fulls he was SOOOO happy. He was giggling ang laughing between mouthfuls and was just enjoying it so much. He also stayed in the high chair watching and laughing at the fish tank for the next hour :)
He ate about 2 table spoons of farax, and I was absolutely amazed at his reaction. IF he didnt want it he would of been shaking his head and spitting it out, which wasnt the case at all.
And guess what??? that night he slept 7 HOURS, can you believe it 7 HOURS I say.. I was so happy. The first time I have had more than 2 hours sleep in 3 months, and I felt amazing. It's true, my little man was just hungry. He is going to be a big boy I think :)
Farax will now be his little meal around dinner time until he wants something more. And I am happy I have found something he actually enjoys so much :)
So for all the people out there that reckon I am a bad Mother for starting my child on farax at 13 weeks, well I ask you why? Where is the problem? If he didnt need/want it then he would of refused it and just spat it out!